Squeezing the Most Value from Crypto KOL Videos and Web3 Influencer Marketing Content

In this article, we’ll cover what you can do as a Web3 brand to increase the impact of your KOL content. If you’re requesting content from the Lever.io KOL marketplace, then you’re already on the right track, but there are several tricks and tips that can help you improve the ROI of your campaigns.

Squeezing the Most Value from Crypto KOL Videos and Web3 Influencer Marketing Content

Web3 moves at breakneck speeds. In this environment, it’s hard for everyone to catch the attention of new users and keep communities excited when new innovations, new projects, and new narratives constantly emerge across Crypto Twitter timelines.

That’s why influencer marketing has such a powerful impact in crypto. KOLs are trusted voices that help draw attention to projects amidst a lot of noise, and their secret weapon is creating engaging content and syndicating it well.

In this article, we’ll cover what you can do as a Web3 brand to increase the impact of your KOL content. If you’re requesting content from the Lever.io KOL marketplace, then you’re already on the right track, but there are several tricks and tips that can help you improve the ROI of your influencer campaigns. 

Key Takeaways

  • Maximize Content Impact with Strategic KOL Selection: Choosing the right Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) who align with your brand and audience is crucial. Lever.io’s advanced metrics, such as EVC and RVPV, ensure you partner with influencers who deliver high engagement, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Syndication and Partnerships Are Essential: Amplify your content’s reach by syndicating it across social media and community portals, and leverage partnerships and affiliates to tap into new audiences. Engaging your community and building alliances with like-minded projects can significantly boost your visibility and credibility.
  • Keep Content Fresh to Sustain Interest: Whether you’re launching a new project or maintaining an established brand, continuously refreshing your content is vital. Regular updates, AMAs, and repurposing existing content can help keep your community engaged and attract new followers.

How to Engage New and Interested Users with Web3 KOL Marketing


Engaging new and interested users through Web3 KOL (Key Opinion Leader) marketing requires a strategic approach. Remember, when projects request content from KOLs, they’re not just getting content; they’re also gaining access to an influencer’s network of people who trust the KOL’s insights. 

First, it’s important to identify the right KOLs whose audience aligns with your target demographic. These influencers should have a genuine interest in your project’s ecosystem and the sector where you’re building, since their audience follows them for news about these specifics. 

Pro Tip: Find the KOLs you need, fast. Lever.io makes it incredibly easy to filter influencers and limit your search to the KOLs relevant to your project's ecosystem and niche. 

Then, make sure you request content that educates and excites potential users about what your project is building. You can do this by providing as much information about your project as possible for KOLs you’ll be working with, especially so they can begin planning and creating without having to do hours of research!

If you’re requesting a product review or full video about your project, encourage KOLs to share their personal experiences with your platform, as authentic testimonials can be particularly powerful. You can help guide KOLs through your product using Lever’s integrated chat feature, ensuring that your message comes through more clearly than what’s presented in your docs!

If your project is still working towards its launch, then there’s no better outlet for sharing your pitch deck and roadmap than with KOLs feeding alpha to hungry audiences. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing an uptick in followers on Twitter or new members in your Discord or Telegram communities after producing content with one of Lever’s KOLs

Always Syndicate Your Content on Social Media and Community Portals


When KOLs deliver your content request, it’s now your turn to amplify your message through any means necessary. Syndication is key to maximizing the reach and impact of your influencer marketing campaigns, and through syndicating your fresh content, you can really squeeze the most value for ROI.  

Share Content on All Social Media

Don't limit your distribution to a single platform. Instead, repurpose and adapt your content for various social media channels and community portals.

Make sure you share your KOL’s content with your communities on social media:

  • Twitter: Pin the post with your new content to the top of your Twitter feed to amplify engagements. The post will be the first thing users see when perusing your profile, and the algorithm will give the post a boost in others’ timelines.
  • Discord: Post a link to your content in your announcements channel, and also make sure your moderators share the content in the general chat over time so users see you’re actively marketing your project. 
  • Telegram: Pin a message with your review, AMA, or callout linked in the chat. Make sure your community manager hypes up the pinned message so users know its there.
  • LinkedIn: A lot of new users do their due diligence by scouring a project’s LinkedIn page, so don’t forget to post your new content on LinkedIn, even though it might be your lowest priority outlet. 

Extending the Life of Your Content

You might have a great video from a top-tier KOL, but you’ll fatigue your followers if you over-saturate your social media with the same content over and over. This is where you’ll need to get creative to extend the shelf life of your newest content and get the most bang for your buck.

Pro Tip: The videos you order have more than one life. You can use parts of your videos to push out content in the future. Just remember to always credit the KOLs who provided your deliverables.

You can repurpose content from your KOLs into new content that can be used in the future. If you’ve requested a full length review, isolating sections of the review that highlight different aspects of your Web3 project can create short, easy to consume, content that you can regularly share to bulk up your media output.

Remember to credit the creator whenever you use their content, and provide links to their main page. You’ll see increased network effects as you both introduce each others’ audiences to your respective platforms.

Working with Content Calendars

You can build a process for syndicating content every time you receive deliverables from a KOL on Lever. Having a record of what you will do to expand the impact of your KOL marketing campaigns will not only make sure you cover all your bases, it will create a record of work that provides your project with invaluable data about where to apply more resources.

Consider creating a content calendar that outlines when and where each piece of content will be shared. This helps ensure a consistent presence across platforms and prevents overwhelming your audience with too much content at once, and then you can deploy content according to the calendar, without having to plan ad hoc.

Content calendars also help you organize UTM tracking links. By following where the majority of your clicks come from, you can double down your efforts in future campaigns and even tell KOLs on Lever what sort of audience you’d like to target and how you will syndicate their content in the future….

The Importance of Leveraging Partnerships, Affiliates, and Community


Building strong partnerships and nurturing your community can significantly amplify your influencer marketing efforts. If you have good partnerships and a strong community, it shouldn’t be difficult to leverage these relationships to increase your marketing outreach.

Increasing Reach with Partnerships

It’s a small ask to find out if one of your partnerships can RT or QT your latest KOL marketing content tweet. 1. You’re serving up content on a silver platter for them to insert into their daily stream of tweets, and 2. All they have to do is click a button to post something fresh. 

This is especially true if you do your partners a favor and make sure they’re mentioned in the KOL content you’ve requested. It shows your willingness to shore some costs to improve your partnership and help generate exposure for the projects you're working with, so why wouldn’t they share!

Increasing Reach with Community

Asking community members to RT or QT your latest tweet with KOL-generated content is also an excellent strategy for boosting your algorithm on Twitter. If you have an active community on Telegram, it’s possible to use a raid bot that will lock the chat until a certain number of users retweet your content. 

If you want to drive more serious engagement with your content, you can also hold a quiz with a prize being paid in crypto or an NFT. Write up some questions that can only be answered by watching the video your KOL just made, and set a deadline for users to submit their answers.

Why New Projects Need AMAs to Engage the Community


For new projects, Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions are invaluable for building trust and excitement within the community. AMAs provide a direct line of communication between project leaders and potential users, allowing for transparent discussions about the project's vision, technology, and roadmap.

Lever.io reduces the friction for new projects to find KOLs to host their AMAs, which are absolutely necessary at launch. An AMA is the first step towards proving a project’s legitimacy by showing there are real builders working on Web3 solutions, not just vaporware.

Pro Tip: If your project is having trouble getting traction with KOLs for its first AMA, Lever.io is a great solution. You can submit multiple requests with KOLs waiting to accept your AMA.

Beyond establishing legitimacy, projects can also use AMAs as an opportunity to gather feedback and ideas from the community. This feedback can help refine product goals and UX, and it makes community members feel valued and involved in the project's development.

On Lever.io, projects can currently request AMAs either on YouTube or Twitter Spaces, each hosted by a trusted KOL with an established community. As mentioned before, the recordings of these AMAs can be leveraged in many ways to help syndicate content across various socials and increase ROI.

How Established Projects Renew Interest with Fresh Content


For established projects, keeping the community engaged requires a constant stream of fresh, relevant content. You can show that your project is ahead of industry trends by regularly updating your audience on new features, partnerships, or use cases for what you’re building in Web3.

Consider creating a content series that dives deep into different aspects of your project. Hiring video producers and coordinating your content team with a temporary hire can be a nightmare—if they’re great at making explainer videos but know very little about Web3, then you’ll have your work cut out for yourself.

With Lever.io, brands can request packages with KOLs that cover content creation on a weekly or monthly basis. This ensures that brands can secure work from KOLs with busy schedules, but it also helps plan for multiple content requests to cover different topics at a working pace. 

Educating audiences is one of the most important parts of growing Web3’s mass adoption, and KOLs on Lever.io have been vetted as some of the top educators and content creators in crypto. If you’re considering creating a video series that dives deep into how your protocol works, then hiring KOLs to help you create content on Lever.io is a no brainer.

If your project needs clean videos from experienced content creators more than it needs a boost in exposure through EVC and RVPV, then Lever has a bevy of micro-influencers ready to prove their skills. What’s more, in addition to helping your project create quality videos, they can also introduce your project to their niche following at no extra cost, a perk outside the scope of production studios. 

How Lever.io Helps You Boost Your Marketing Goals

Lever.io is designed to empower your Web3 marketing strategies by connecting you with top-tier influencers who can elevate your brand's presence. With our advanced analytics and easy-to-use platform, you can identify the right KOLs who align with your brand’s message and audience. 

Lever.io’s tools, such as Expected View Count (EVC) and Recent Views Per Video (RVPV), provide you with the data you need to make informed decisions, ensuring that your campaigns are both impactful and efficient.

By leveraging our extensive network of influencers, you can create tailored content that resonates with your target audience, drives engagement, and ultimately helps you achieve your marketing goals. 

Whether you’re launching a new project or reinvigorating an established brand, Lever.io offers the resources and insights you need to succeed in the fast-paced Web3 environment.

Start Using Lever.io Today

Getting started with Lever.io is easy and seamless. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to quickly set up campaigns and start collaborating with influencers who can amplify your brand’s voice.

Simply sign up, browse our marketplace of vetted KOLs, and begin creating content that captures attention and drives results.

Don’t wait to take your Web3 marketing to the next level. Join the growing number of brands who trust Lever.io to connect them with the right influencers and maximize their impact in the crypto space. Start your journey with Lever.io today and see the difference it can make for your brand.